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Inclusive Facilitation for Storytelling (online/12 week course)

This course gives you what you need to successfully facilitate storytelling in an inclusive way.

Inclusive Facilitation for Storytelling/online/12 week course

This course will cover how to:

Understand the overall storytelling process and how to weave it together

  • Recognise the different stages of the storytelling process and how to facilitate them:

    • Encouraging creativity

    • Finding the story

    • Story circles and story feedback

    • Building the story through iteration

    • Finishing the story

    • Sharing the stories

Build positive group dynamics

  • Create trust

  • Create a sense of being heard

  • Generate confidence in the storytelling process

  • Develop a shared understanding of a complex issue/problem

  • Deal with conflict and work with different viewpoints and tensions in a group

  • Deal with inappropriate behaviour

Use creative techniques for storytelling

  • Recognise different creative styles and needs, and relate these to forms of expression

  • Design creative processes that are inclusive

  • Choose and apply appropriate creative techniques for each stage of storytelling

Strengthen your critical reflection, adaptability and inclusiveness

  • Recognise and respond to social positions/identities/needs

  • Recognise and respond to contextual differences

  • Use of language(s) to be more inclusive

  • Practice critical self-reflection and use this to develop your facilitation approach

Learning approach:

1) The course will provide an explanation of facilitation techniques, ‘tips and tricks’ and guidance on how to apply to these techniques to different contexts. You will learn from the proven approach of the trainer with storytelling as well as from the different styles and approaches in the group.

2) Using structured reflection on your own experience of facilitation, related to the course topics, you will learn from your own practice: what do you do well? Where would you like to develop further? How can you put these ideas into practice?

3) Gain practical experience applying the techniques covered in the course and get constructive feedback from the trainer and the rest of the group.

Price: £1200

**Up to three discounted places available for people based in the Global South, those working with small organisations, and for students. Discounted price is £600.**

Maximum participants: 8

What is included: course materials, access to a secure platform for participating/sharing and connecting with others, up to 5 rounds of detailed feedback on your facilitation by the trainer with additional feedback from the participants, on-going membership in a network of others working with storytelling.

What you need: a working internet connection, a phone/tablet/computer capable of connecting to the internet, a private space from which to join the sessions, interest and willingness in exploring your own experiences and learning through a collective process. Prior experience with storytelling and facilitation is required.

Course dates and times: Course dates and times: Weekly on Thursday from 16 January to 3 April, Sessions 1 (15 January), 6 (20 February) and 12 (2 April) are 10:00-16:00 London time. All other sessions are 13:00 to 15:00 London time.

January 14

Foundations of personal storytelling (online/8 week course)

April 21

Making More-Than-Human Stories (online/8 week course)